Venezuela: oppdateringar

From: Magnus Bernhardsen (
Date: 13-04-02

Oil Slumps After Venezuela's Chavez Exits

LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices fell heavily on Friday after Venezuelan
President Hugo Chavez resigned under pressure from the military, reigniting
oil market fears that the OPEC producer might revert to a policy of
cheating on cartel output limits.

Staff at the Venezuelan state oil company ended a strike that hit exports
this week and said they would resume normal supplies from the world's
fourth largest exporter.

U.S. Accuses Chavez of Provoking Venezuela Crisis

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Friday accused the Venezuelan government of ousted President Hugo Chavez of provoking a crisis by ordering Chavez supporters to fire on peaceful demonstrators.

The White House clearly was pleased by the Venezuelan military's toppling from power of Chavez, whose anti-American rhetoric increasingly angered the U.S. government. U.S. officials insisted, however, that they did not know in advance of the chain of events that led to Chavez's departure.


Steve Johnson, policy analyst for Latin America at the Heritage Foundation think tank, said that rather than open relief, there was "muted optimism" in Washington, given uncertainty over who will govern.

"Obviously somebody who is a thorn in the side, not only of the United States, but the neighboring countries, has finally been disarmed and rendered harmless," Johnson said.

"But the problem is that it did not happen in a way that makes it easy to deal with, because it did not follow the constitutional order, which creates some problems," he said.

Johnson said the problem now is how to staff a transition government, how to deal with Chavez loyalists peppered throughout the civil service, the Supreme Court and the National Assembly, how to set up elections and deal with expectations about what the transition government should do.


USA hevdar dei er usikre på kven som skal overtra... Ha-ha-ha- eg har sett ei melding ein stad om at generalane som stod bak kuppet var utdanna ved School of Americas...

Chavez trakk seg ikkje - dette var eit kupp. No stig oljeprisane att, og Noreg tener grovt att.

Magnus B

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