Bush -- USAs Jagland. Eller omvendt

From: Trond Andresen (trond.andresen@itk.ntnu.no)
Date: 09-01-02

"Bongo fra Kongo", sa Jagland. Bush er like glup, se

Noe måtte han vel gjøre nå, det begynner
å bli vel lenge siden han brukte betegnelsen "korstog" på
krigen mot Afghanistan. Det kreves innsats for å holde
seg på toppen. Bra, George jr.!

Trond Andresen

>Bush meant no disrespect to Pakistanis, White House says
> Copyright © 2002 AP Online
>The Associated Press
>HAMILTON, Ohio (January 8, 2002 9:42 a.m. EST) - President Bush meant no
>disrespect when he referred to Pakistanis as "Pakis" - a word considered an
>ethnic slur by many - when he spoke of tensions between Pakistan and India,
>a spokesman said Tuesday.
>Bush told reporters Monday: "We are working hard to convince both the
>Indians and the Pakis there's a way to deal with their problems without
>going to war."
>The term "Pakis" is considered by many Pakistanis, particularly in Great
>Britain, to be offensive.
>"The president has great respect for Pakistan and for the Pakistani people,"
>White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Tuesday as Bush visited Ohio to
>sign an education bill.
>He did not apologize or withdraw the comment, but McClellan noted that
>Pakistan is a key ally in the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan.

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