Chomsky i India

From: Jens Ingvald Olsen (
Date: 11-11-01

Artikkel i The Times of India, søndag 11.11.01
US is an indicted terrorist state: Chomsky
HENNAI: The bombing of Afghanistan was a greater crime than the
September 11 US terror attacks, noted American social critic and
philosopher Noam Chomsky told an Indian audience on Sunday.

Chomsky, who participated in a seminar on "September 11 and its
aftermath: Where is the world heading?" in Chennai, said that the
western approach to the Afghan conflict was both "shortsighted"
and "catastrophic."

"The US is an indicted terrorist state," Chomsky told a large
audience at Chennai's Music Hall. He added that the US had
committed several acts of aggression against other nations and
frequently violated all canons of international law. He said that it
had no moral right to be a critic of terrorism having committed the
same crimes.

"The US had trained groups of terrorists to overthrow governments
found to be inconvenient to its interests and replace them with its
own lackeys," said Chomsky.

He added that the US did not bother to get the sanction of the UN
Security Council for its war on Afghanistan. "Despite knowing that
it was easily obtainable, it did not get the sanction only because it
did not want to acknowledge such a need and thereby compromise
on its own right to act unilaterally," said Chomsky.

Chomsky is one of America's most prominent political dissidents.
A professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, he has written 30 books dissecting such issues as
US interventionism in the developing world and the political
economy of human rights.
( AFP )

jens ingvald olsen

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