mer om miltbrannsakene

From: Karsten Johansen (
Date: 10-11-01

Nytt om miltbrann-sakene. FBI mistenker nå også offisielt "a domestic origin".
Hvilket kaster et grelt lys over det hvite hus' forsøk på å vri
etterforskningen vekk fra dette sporet, jvf. en tidligere melding fra meg med
referanse i Daily Telegraph. Som alltid, når noe er under sterk mistanke om å
ha opprinnelse på den ekstreme høyresida, beskriver politiet selvsagt en
gjerningsmann som er en "ensom galning" helt uten politiske motiver. Vi
kjenner dette mønsteret fra Riksdagsbrannen i Berlin 1933, det nazistiske
attentatet i München ved ølfesten 1980 i valgkampinnspurten, hvor tretten ble
drept og hundrevis såret (attentatsmannen viste seg å være medlem av en
organisasjon som ble finansiert bl.a. av CSU-lederen Franz Josef Strauss (med
velkjente forbindelser til f.eks. Pinochet)), Palmemordet, "lasermannen",
knivangrepet på den tyske sosialdemokrat-lederen for noen år tilbake osv. Fra

"The FBI say they have not ruled out links with a terrorist organisation, but
behavioural and linguistic evidence points to - as they put it - an
opportunist of domestic origin.


The FBI say the suspect is probably an adult male who may have referred to the
US attacks in his messages only as a decoy.

He may have no more scientific knowledge than a lab technician and his
equipment need not have cost more than $2,500.

National Guardsmen are being used to guard various sites including bridges
He could have set it up in his garage, or in his attic.

He is, agents believe, a loner, someone not given to face-to-face
confrontation, nor, as they put it, to speeding through stop signs. He is
rational and methodical but "lacks the personal skills necessary to confront

BBC Washington correspondent Tim Franks says the FBI hopes that its detailed
analysis of the culprit will prompt a friend or relative to tip them off."

Hvordan står dette i forhold til alt det vi er blitt tutet ørene fulle av
overalt i verdens enstonige medier inntil nå? Hvis ikke dette fører til et
oppgjør med ensretningen av mediene hva skal da gjøre det?

Karsten Johansen

Saturday, 10 November, 2001, 06:13 GMT

Anthrax culprit 'probably domestic'

Attacks have targeted the US Government and media

The FBI has given its closest indication yet that it believes the anthrax
outbreak originated at home rather than abroad.
In a rare glimpse into the investigation, agents say they have built up a
psychological and linguistic profile of the culprit.

He lacks the personal skills necessary to confront others
FBI profile of anthrax sender

The announcement came as President George W Bush ordered security to be beefed
up at airports for the holiday season, which begins with Thanksgiving on 22

Tom Ridge, the US homeland security director, said on Wednesday he was
"hopeful" that the anthrax outbreaks were over but another four postal
facilities in New Jersey have since tested positive for the disease.

The FBI say they have not ruled out links with a terrorist organisation, but
behavioural and linguistic evidence points to - as they put it - an
opportunist of domestic origin.

At least three letters containing anthrax spores have been sent since the 11
September attacks on New York and Washington. Four people have died, two of
them postal workers.

Inexpensive equipment

The letters were posted on 18 September and 9 October.

The FBI say the suspect is probably an adult male who may have referred to the
US attacks in his messages only as a decoy.

He may have no more scientific knowledge than a lab technician and his
equipment need not have cost more than $2,500.

National Guardsmen are being used to guard various sites including bridges
He could have set it up in his garage, or in his attic.

He is, agents believe, a loner, someone not given to face-to-face
confrontation, nor, as they put it, to speeding through stop signs. He is
rational and methodical but "lacks the personal skills necessary to confront

BBC Washington correspondent Tim Franks says the FBI hopes that its detailed
analysis of the culprit will prompt a friend or relative to tip them off.

The latest contaminated post offices - named as Palmer Square, Rocky Hill,
Trenton Station E and Jackson - all send mail to a sorting centre which
handled letters containing anthrax spores sent to Washington and New York.

Extra security

US Postal Service spokesman Bob Anderson, who confirmed the finds, did not
specify their origin or how fresh they were.

About 20 US post offices have tested positive for anthrax and thousands of
postal workers have been put on preventive antibiotics since the outbreak

On Friday, President Bush ordered America's states to put an additional 2,000
National Guardsmen on guard at airports for the Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday

Mr Ridge said he hoped the attacks were over
He confirmed that 6,000 guardsmen had already been deployed at airports since
the 11 September attacks.

Their duties include monitoring passengers and screening baggage, as well as
guarding airport facilities.

"This increase in security will last through the busy holiday period ... and
we believe they'll help a lot," said Mr Bush.

In another development, America's largest airport security company,
Atlanta-based Argenbright, announced it was tightening its own procedures,
including checks on staff.

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