We won't clean up the mess, says UN

From: asgeir.bjorkedal@hfstud.uio.no
Date: 19-10-01

FN har ikkje blitt piska fullstendig inn på geledd endå. Fornuftig protest
frå FNs "special envoy" i Afghanistan:

  "Mr Brahimi acknowledged that the UN had been pressured into
                   peacekeeping roles against its will in the past,
including in the
                   Balkans. However, he said the overriding lesson from those
                   experiences was that such missions should not be repeated."


However, the UN's special envoy to Afghanistan, Lakhdar Brahimi,
                   immediately ruled out such a role. "I very firmly say
that the United
                   Nations ... is definitely not seeking anything of that
sort. Again, I
                   repeat, the UN is not seeking a transitional
administration or
                   peacekeeping, or anything like that."

Det er meir ryddig hvis USA/NATO sjølv tek hand om okkupasjonen av sine
erobra territorium, det er uansett dei som regjerer i Bosnia, i Kosovo og
sannsynligvis snart i Makedonia, Afghanistan og sentral-Asia fram til
russlands grense.

  Such missions should not be repeated, og når dei likevel blir det, burde
ikkje FN dilte etter som legitimeringsorgan.

USA har frigjort Afghanistan i over 20 år, dei starta på 70-talet med å
prakke på landet en haug med arabiske fascistar, som USA har vore alliert
med på dei fleste av slagmarkene deira gjennom heile 80-talet, 90-talet og
endå litt lenger.

Bin laden & Co kom heller ikkje på kollisjonskurs med sine amerikanske
jordmødre då Pakistan, med sterk støtte (øk og pol) frå USA fann det
nødvendig å gjere et nytt framstøt for å vinne kontrollen over A, med
Taliban-bevegelsen som instrument.

No skal dei gamle allierte i nord-alliansen vere instrument i innsettinga
av et regime med "moderate talibanerar" som grunnstamme. Moderat er som
alltid i USAnsk nytale, kodeord for LYDIG.

Den pågåande frigjeringsaksjonen heiter som kjent "Enduring Freedom", etter
at "Infinite Justice" vart i overkant allmektig sjøl for Bush-dynastiet.
Norske media har oversatt dette til "varig frihet", dette blir heilt
misvisande. den natulige oversettelsen er "tåle frihet", i tydinga "halde
ut", men den afghanske tålegrensa for amerikansk frihet må for lengst vere

nedanfor artikkellen frå Sidney Morning Herald.

God helg!

Asgeir Bjørkedal

We won't clean up the mess, says UN


                   By Mark Riley, Herald Correspondent in New York

                   The problem of who should lead a nation-building effort in
                   Afghanistan if the Taliban regime falls has deepened,
with the
                   United Nations and the United States at odds over what
role the
                   UN should play.

                   The US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, said after
arriving in
                   Shanghai for the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation
forum that
                   the UN could establish an interim administration, as it
had in East
                   Timor, to help usher Afghanistan to political stability.

                   However, the UN's special envoy to Afghanistan, Lakhdar
                   immediately ruled out such a role. "I very firmly say
that the United
                   Nations ... is definitely not seeking anything of that
sort. Again, I
                   repeat, the UN is not seeking a transitional
administration or
                   peacekeeping, or anything like that."

                   President George Bush first suggested the UN take on the
                   role in building a broad-based government in
Afghanistan. The
                   central focus of his foreign policy platform on taking
office was that
                   the US should not take responsibility for
nation-building efforts
                   around the world.

                   The most likely option now is that an alliance of
countries would
                   work with the UN to advise Afghanistan's tribal and
ethnic leaders,
                   including moderate forces within the Taliban, to build a
                   government in Kabul.

                   Mr Brahimi, a former Algerian foreign minister and
author of a
                   landmark report on UN peacekeeping reform last year, on
                   cautioned the Security Council against rushing into
                   with peacekeepers.

                   Afghans were "very proud people, and they don't like to
be ordered
                   around by foreigners", he said.

                   "They don't like to see foreigners there, especially in

                   Turkey has offered through its UN representatives to lead an
                   Islamic-dominated peacekeeping mission that might be more
                   acceptable to the Afghan people. However, UN officials
say there
                   is very little support in the organisation for such a

                   Mr Brahimi has suggested the UN concentrate on supplying
                   humanitarian aid to the millions of refugees and
internally displaced
                   Afghans as winter approaches.

                   He said his comments did not mean the UN was not prepared to
                   help rebuild Afghanistan and its political system. "We
will definitely
                   be doing as much as we can, but that is different from
                   providing a direct administration for the country."

                   Mr Powell said much the same thing when asked what role
                   Washington might play.

                   "This isn't the United States going in and
nation-building with troops.
                   This is helping the international community, helping the
people of
                   Afghanistan to create hopeful conditions within the
country so that
                   they are not vulnerable to his kind of threat again in
the future."

                   Mr Brahimi acknowledged that the UN had been pressured into
                   peacekeeping roles against its will in the past,
including in the
                   Balkans. However, he said the overriding lesson from those
                   experiences was that such missions should not be repeated.

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