Nordalliansen: "US is just playing around"

From: Karsten Johansen (
Date: 18-10-01

Daily Telegraph:

US is just playing around, says Northern Alliance
By Marcus Warren in Bagram, northern
                    (Filed: 18/10/2001)

                    THE first American strikes against front-line targets
                    of Kabul left anti-Taliban commanders distinctly
                    unimpressed yesterday. Some military chiefs even
                    complained that their enemy's morale was higher now
                    than before the air campaign began.

                    The negligible scale of
                    the allied air raids on
                    the military outside
                    the Afghanistan
                    capital had convinced
                    the Taliban that
                    America was "just
                    playing around", one
                    senior commander of
                    the Northern Alliance
                    forces said, citing
                    reports from spies
                    and "connections" in

                    An unidentified plane was seen banking away over the
                    mountains soon after two explosions a few miles south of
                    the front line yesterday afternoon in what appeared to be
                    the first daylight raid in the area.

                    Three bombs were dropped on Taliban positions six miles
                    from Bagram, Afghanistan's largest air base, from early
                    evening on Tuesday until dawn yesterday, the general in
                    charge of the ruined airport confirmed.

                    All the overnight bombs hit their target and one destroyed
                    a small convoy of cars near a Taliban post, Gen Babajan
                    said. Before the attack, the cars had their lights on but
                    afterwards there was only darkness and the vehicles had
                    been "smashed to bits", he said.

                    The strikes made good a threat earlier this week by
                    Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, that the front
                    line would not "be a very safe place to be".

                    Since the bombing began 10 days ago, Taliban fighters
                    have sought shelter from the raids on Kabul by
                    commuting by car to their positions near the Northern
                    Alliance forces to the north of the capital. The Taliban's
                    vehicle lights can easily be seen across the plains.

                    However, Gen Babajan, who voiced the fears of many
                    commanders of opposition forces at the weekend when he
                    accused America and Pakistan of a plot to thwart any
                    Northern Alliance advance on Kabul, was unenthusiastic
                    about the attacks.

                    "Do you think three bombs will make much of a
                    difference?" he asked, sitting in the shade at his
                    command post behind the bombed out airbase buildings.

                    To observers on the Shamali plains, America appears to
                    be doing the bare minimum to keep its allies fighting the
                    Taliban happy but is determined not to encourage them to
                    move on and to capture Kabul.

                    There was even speculation that the bombs dropped
                    overnight had been left over from other sorties and
                    expended in an attack on B-list targets.

                    One senior Northern Alliance commander expressed the
                    fear that the minimal intensity of the bombing was
                    strengthening the Taliban's resolve to resist America.

                    Jan Akhamat, deputy military chief of Parvan province
                    said: "Before the bombing, the Taliban were worried
                    about what sort of attacks would happen. Now the attacks
                    are like this and their morale is better."

                    He added: "They think the Americans are just playing
                    around. These three bombs are not enough. In fact they
                    will mobilise the Taliban and make them stronger."

                    Confidence in America, never high among anti-Taliban
                    commanders, and faith in the likelihood of any significant
                    military alliance with Washington, are evaporating

                    "The United States is doing its own thing for its own
                    benefit here," said Commander Akhamat, a sentiment
                    shared by most of the anti-Taliban military leadership as
                    well as many ordinary people.

                    Washington's close co-operation with Pakistan, long an
                    ally of the Taliban's extremist regime and hostile to the
                    Northern Alliance, has only confirmed the suspicions of
                    those fighting the Taliban on the ground that they are
                    being used as cannon fodder by the West.

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