WTO vil møtast i Qatar

From: Oddmund Garvik (oddmund@ifrance.com)
Date: Mon Jan 29 2001 - 18:10:31 MET

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    Eg sende denne meldinga laurdag, men ho kom ikkje gjennom av tekniske
    Etter alle demonstrasjonane og den aukande motstanden i mange land, har no
    WTO no bestemt seg for å "flykte" til Qatar. Dette blei "einstemmig"
    vedteke på eit "uformelt møte" i Genève den 23, januar. Det neste
    ministermøtet i organisasjonen skal gå av stabelen 5.-9. november i Doha,
    hovudstaden i emiratet Qatar. Den offisielle avgjerda blir teken 30.

    Emiratet Qatar er, saman med dei andre føydalstatane rundt Gulfen, kjend
    for manglande demokrati og sivile rettar.Det finst ingen møte- og
    organisasjonsrett, ingen pressefridom, ikkje fleirpartisystem eller rett
    til å opprette fagforeiningar.

    Doha, manglar losjeringsplass, og offisielle gjester og journalistar, nøye
    sorterte (ved hjelp av pengebidrag), kjem til å overnatte på hotel og i
    private residensar. Elles vil cruiseskip liggja for anker eit godt stykke
    ut frå land, for å ta imot nøye utvalde NGO'ar. Dette hindrar sjølvsagt
    alle tilløp til demonstrasjon og protest, og føyer seg inn i det
    perspektivet eg trakk fram i eit tidlegare innlegg denne veka
    ("Nasjonalstaten og det globale").

    Oddmund Garvik

    Frå Human Rights Watch: http://www.hrw.org/press/2001/01/qatar0123.htm


    WTO Sends Wrong Message with Qatar Choice

     (New York January 23, 2001) Human Rights Watch called on the World Trade
    Organization's General Council to reverse the decision announced today
    that the WTO will hold its next ministerial meeting in the Persian Gulf
    state of Qatar. The selection of Qatar, reportedly made in an informal
    meeting earlier today, is slated to be confirmed when the General
    Council meets in Geneva on January 30.

    "The WTO has selected a country for its next summit where freedom of
    assembly is nonexistent," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of
    Human Rights Watch. "This looks like an effort to avoid the noisy
    demonstrations of the past year by picking a country that bans
    demonstrations. The WTO should be striving to build the global
    economy on a foundation of respect for such basic human rights--not
    hiding behind governments that systematically violate those rights."

    Human Rights Watch wrote to WTO Director-General Mike Moore on
    January 19, urging that the fourth WTO ministerial meeting scheduled
    for later this year be convened in a country where freedom of assembly
    and association are guaranteed in law and practice, and where
    internationally recognized standards of due process are firmly in place.

    In remarks to the press today, Mr. Moore said that non-governmental
    organizations previously accredited by the WTO would have access to
    Qatar, although he made no pledge about the right to peaceful
    assembly. Mr. Moore said, "We have a set of conditions for
    non-governmental organizations and the media. These haven't changed.
    This will be very successful and I can assure journalists and others they
     will be splendidly looked after."

     "These assurances are irrelevant for representatives of NGOs not formally
    accredited by the WTO, but who want to make their voices heard during the
    meeting," said Roth.
    "Whether the WTO agrees with these groups or not, it should make sure that
    their right to be heard is respected."

    Qatar is not a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political
    Rights, the international treaty that guarantees basic freedoms of
    expression, assembly and association along with due process protections.
    Qatar also is not a signatory to the Vienna Convention on Consular
    Relations -- nor to any other bilateral or multilateral consular accord --
    which raises serious issues in cases of detention of foreign nationals,
    Human Rights Watch said.
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