UNHCR Kosovo Refugee Displacement Statistics

Oistein Haugsten Holen (o.h.holen@bio.uio.no)
Mon, 7 Jun 1999 18:53:59 +0100

UNHCR Kosovo Refugee Displacement Statistics as of 4 June 1999

Hentet fra:

NHCR Kosovo Refugee Displacement Statistics as of 4 June 1999
1200 GMT, 990605

The latest figures released by the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees estimates that well over 800,000 people, the majority of whom are
ethnic Albanians, have fled Kosovo since NATO began its air campaign against
Yugoslavia on March 24, 1999. Prior to the air strikes, over 100,000
refugees from Kosovo had already sought asylum in European countries.

The most recent UNHCR estimates show the following locations as primary
concentrations of refugees:

Refugees/Displaced in:

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Republic of Montenegro)
Arrivals 2 June: ca. 380
Total: 69,300

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Republic of Serbia)
No figures for displacement within Kosovo available;
Yugoslav government report of 60,000 in Serbia (unconfirmed)

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Camp population: 109,200 (source: UNHCR Skopje);
arrivals 3 June: ca. 370;
departures by air 3 June: 858;
overland departures to Albania 3 June: none (cumulative total to date: 684);
Estimated number of refugees living in host families and elsewhere:
138,600 (sources: Macedonian Red Cross and government)
Total: 247,800

Arrivals from Kosovo 3 June: 165;
Arrivals from Macedonia 3 June: none
Total: 443,300

Total comprises Kosovar refugees only;
Also resulting from the Kosovo conflict:
22,000 from Sandzak,
30,900 Serb, Croatians and Montenegrins from FRY (source: government)
Total: 21,700


[Kommentar: Dette inkluderer, så vidt jeg kan skjønne, ikke de 60 000
ubekreftede i Jugoslavia]


UNHCR/IOM Humanitarian Evacuation Program of Kosovar refugees from the FYR
of Macedonia 5 April through 3 June 1999

Arrivals Total

Australia - 2,486
Austria - 4,890 (170 of whom arrived on June 3)
Belgium -1,223
Canada - 5,154
Croatia - 284
Czech Republic - 824
Denmark - 2,168
Finland - 958
France - 4,756
Germany - 13,639 (132 of whom arrived on June 3)
Iceland - 70
Ireland - 749 (146 of whom arrived on June 3)
Israel - 206
Italy - 5,829
Malta - 105
Netherlands - 3,681
Norway - 6,070
Poland - 1,049
Portugal - 952
Romania - 41
Slovakia - 90
Slovenia - 483
Spain - 1,240
Sweden - 2,768
Switzerland - 1,350 (166 of whom arrived on June 3)
Turkey - 7,581 (106 of whom arrived on June 3)
United Kingdom - 2,459 (138 of whom arrived on June 3)
United States - 5,370

TOTAL 76,475 (858 of whom were evacuated on June 3)