Etnisk rensing jo mer jo bedre

Knut Rognes (
Sun, 06 Jun 1999 23:45:07 +0200


(Denne kom på nettet uten subjektfeltet den ble gitt av meg, derfor gjøres
et nytt forsøk)

Mer om Rambouillet: her følger en uttalelse fra Dan Goure, "Deputy director
of political and military studies at the conservative Center for Strategic
and International Studies" og "former Bush administration Pentagon official":

... "The administration went to Rambouillet basically to arrange a trap for
Milosevic. It was a no-win situation for him and frankly, Albright was
basically trying to find a pretext for bombing," said Dan Goure, deputy
director of political and military studies at the conservative Center for
Strategic and International Studies, in an IPA release. "They told the
Kosovar Albanians that if they signed and Milosevic didn't, they'd bomb
Serbia. Rambouillet was not a negotiation, it was a setup, a lynch party.
The administration saw ethnic cleansing as an aid to their case. For them,
the more the better. The administration's current position is to continue
to use the refugee situation as a basis for justifying their hard-line
political approach in dealing with Milosevic."
(sitert fra The Village Voice (May 12 - 18, 1999), i en artikkel av Jason
Vest "The Real Rambouillet" på

Jfr. min kronikk i Klassekampen 12. mai ("Alt etter planen i Kosovo"). Så
jeg var nok ikke paranoid likevel. En trøst.

Knut Rognes