Re: Zinn: A few points on the Kosovo situation

Oddmund Garvik (
Mon, 5 Apr 1999 21:48:29 GMT

Knut Rognes nok ein gong:
>videresender dette i dag mandag 5. april


>ZNet Commentary
>April 5, 1999

>A few points on the Kosovo situation
>By Howard Zinn

>1) Milosovic and his Serb forces are committing atrocities.

Han har berre ei snau linje om dette. Howard Zinn høyrer truleg til eit folk
som også var utsett for "atrocities". Likevel brukar han berre åtte ord, for
å så å gli over i dei same dogma som propagandamaskina mot intervensjonen i
Kosovo no i over ei veke har malt om att og om att:

>2) Bombing won't help, but will only make things worse -- and that is
>already evident. Indeed, as the NY Times has it this morning (Thursday), the
>Administration was told by CIA and Pentagon people that bombing would speed
>up Milosovic's "ethnic cleansing", ....blablabla

Her får me servert vanleg amerikansk nombrilisme, og etnisk rensing i
hermeteikn. Det bli ikkje betre:

>3) The Kosovo Liberation Army may not represent the wishes of the Kosovar
>people, because it decided to turn to armed struggle to gain independence,
>ruthlessly putting their countrymen at risk, when a more protracted
>non-violent campaign of resistance was already going on and should have

Dette må sjåast i samanheng med neste "innlegg" til Knut Rognes frå "The Web
Site of the Serbian Democratic Movement" , som bablar i fleng om
"Kosovo-Metohija" som skal vera truga av ideen om eit "Greater Albania".
Ikkje eit ord om "Greater Serbia", og bortforklaring etter bortforklaring i
høve til etnisk rensing:

>What is "ethnic cleansing"? While everybody is against it, few seem
>interested in understanding its real meaning and causes as the basis for
>combatting it. The prevalent attitude, in the depoliticized public
>consciousness of the 1990s, is to see it as a sort of pure evil, an
>expression of racist or ethnic hatred which surges from "the darkness of the
>human soul" (rhetoric of a speech by U.S. Vice President Albert Gore) for no
>reason. The only remedy envisaged is punishment.

Dette er nesten grotesk. Får dei betaling for å sende slik svada ut på
verdsveven, eller er dei "volontaires". Og du Knut Rognes?

Eg kommenterer ikkje resten av innlegget. Eg tykkjer heile greia er patetisk...


Det tvilar eg på. Propagandaen held nok fram.

Oddmund Garvik