
Per Rasmussen (pera@post.tele.dk)
Sat, 3 Apr 1999 01:48:58 +0200

Præstø den 3. april 1999
Er der nogen der kan hjælpe?

Go ahead, comrade.
For communism
Sven Buttler


I am from Denmark. And I am a member of a mail-list, and debat-forum... "Klassekamp-forum". AKP Norge Can I ask them???? Per Rasmussen ----- Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: Sven Buttler [SMTP:sven.buttler@metronet.de] Sendt: 1. april 1999 18:38 Til: Marxist Leninist List Emne: [M-L L] Fw: Balkan CPs joint statement-29.3.1999

Can anyone provide a brief summary of the below mentioned parties and their politics? Sven Buttler ----- STRENGTHEN ANTIIMPERIALIST STRUGGLE FOR PEACE Joint statement of the Communist Parties of the region condemning NATO intervention Over the peoples of the Balkans is hanging again the threat of war. The NATO countries' ruling classes, especially US, following their self - serving imperialist interests, have been, since already ten years, kindling conflicts among the Balkan peoples. At this particular moment, they are bracing themselves for an open aggressive attack against a sovereign state. Tomorrow, they are able to plunge the whole Balkan area in a fratricidal war. The CPs of the Balkans condemn the NATO intervention in our region. They express the conviction that both the Serb and Albanian peoples; as well as the other peoples of the Balkans, are able, by themselves and without any foreign intervention, to solve their problems peacefully. We call the peoples of the Balkans to strengthen their anti - war struggle against NATO and US intervention, against any foreign intervention, to avoid a fratricidal war among the Balkan peoples. 24/3/1999

Communist Party of Albania Communist Party of Bulgaria Bulgarian Socialist Party-Marxist Platform Bulgarian Communist Party «G. Dimitrov» New Communist Party of Yugoslavia Yugoslav Communists Communist Party of Greece Communist Party of Rumania

Asteras Amaliadas http://www.st-and.ac.uk/~jm6

Kammeratlig hilsen Per Rasmussen

Yours in solidarity Familien Rasmussen Præstø http://home0.inet.tele.dk/pera/ http://come.to/familienrasmussen pera@post.tele.dk cape@teliamail.dk Cuba SI! http://w1.1559.telia.com/~u155900388/ http://members.tripod.com/Per_Rasmussen/ cubasi@teliamail.dk Ernesto Che Guevara http://w1.1559.telia.com/~u155900388/ernesto.htm http://members.tripod.com/Per_Rasmussen/ernesto.htm http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/1690/ Viden er Magt! Grundskoling i marxismen-leninismen http://w1.1559.telia.com/~u155900373/ mlmtt@private.dk