Jerusalem U.S. Embassy Creeps Ahead - QUOTE of the WEEK

Bruce Taylor (
Tue, 29 Sep 1998 08:44:15 +0200

En norsk vinkel på Jerusalem som hovedstad for Israel.

>Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 12:08:13 -0400 (EDT)
>From: MiD-EasT RealitieS <MERList@USA.NET>
>To: <MERList@USA.NET>
>Subject: Jerusalem U.S. Embassy Creeps Ahead - QUOTE of the WEEK
>- _______ ____ ______
> / ø/ / /___/ / /_ // M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E
> / /ø_/ / /_/_ / /ØØ Making Sense of the Middle East
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> www.MiddleEast.Org U.S. EMBASSY IN JERUSALEM
> News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
> and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know.
>MER - Washington - 27 Sept:
> While all the political dancing is taking place about another
>small Israeli "redeployment" -- quite possibly the last as the
>Bantustan-status of Palestinian "population centers" along with the
>system of settlements and "by-pass" roads is being solidly
>established -- other major historic moves are underway.
> Already, for some time now, the U.S. has given Jerusalem de
>facto recognition as Israel's capital. In the past few years a
>plot of land has been chosen for the new U.S. Jerusalem Embassy and
>the Congress has allocated funds for its construction. Within a
>few years, when the moment is politically ripe, the deed is likely
>to be done.
> The following letter was recently written by the Chairman of
>the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Jesse Helms, about this
>matter to Kaare Kristiansen, Past President of the Norwegian
>Parliament and now Chairman of an International Committee
>concerning Jerusalem. It should be taken seriously. And the
>scenario may go something like this:
> * Arafat's "declares" Statehood but in reality little changes
>for the Palestinians -- they remain on Israeli created, surrounded
>and divided Reservations despite Arafat's bombast that this is the
>long-sought "Statehood".
> * The Israelis claim this is the end of the Oslo agreement and
>hunker down for endless future new "negotiations" while settlements
>continue, especially throughout the crucial Jerusalem area.
> * The U.S. Congress, Helms in the lead, mandates construction of
>the Jerusalem Embassy.
> * Arafat's choices are few -- after all he now gets his money,
>guns and checkpoints from the Americans, the Israelis, and those
>Europeans still willing to involve themselves in these matters.
> * Most of the world sighs -- confused, exhausted, preoccupied
>with so much else -- thinking that at least the Palestinians have
>their "State" and there's not much that can be done now about
>Jerusalem anyway.
> * And the Pope prepares, primarily with the Israelis, to come to
>the Holy Land for the dawn of the new millenium.
> Senator Jesse Helms
> Senate of the United States
> Washington, D.C.
>Kaare Kristiansen
>International Chairman
>"Embassy 3000" Campaign
>Oslo, Norway
>Dear Mr. Kristiansen,
>I will be honored to be designated a signatory to the "Embassy
>campaign. The U.S. Congress has many times reaffirmed its view
>that the united City of Jerusalem is the capital of the State of
>Israel. Last year, for the first time, the Congress successfully
>mandated that the United States Embassy to Israel be moved from Tel
>Aviv to Jerusalem. I expect to see a U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem up
>and running by the year 2000.
>Israel is the only nation in the world that has been denied the
>right to choose its own capital. This second class citizenship
>among nations must end. I look forward to working with you, and
>with my colleagues in the Congress, to encourage all nations to
>move their embassies to Jerusalem, and to recognize that Holy City
>as Israel's rightful capital.
> Sincerely,
> Jesse Helms
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Bruce Taylor
HF fakultetets EDB-seksjon Computing Section, Faculty of the Arts
Universitetet i Bergen
N-5007 Bergen NORWAY