[fwd] Mayday 2000 international contacts list

From: jonivar skullerud (jonivar@bigfoot.com)
Date: Sat Dec 25 1999 - 16:57:31 MET

----- Forwarded message from Bob Olsen <bobolsen@interlog.com> -----

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Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 18:29:58 -0500
To: adhoc-L@undp.org
From: Bob Olsen <bobolsen@interlog.com>
Subject: Mayday 2000 international contacts list
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Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 23:19:35 -1000
From: "Viviane Lerner" <vlerner@interpac.net>
Subject: FW: (en) Mayday 2000 international contacts list

- -----Original Message-----
From: worker-a-infos@lists.tao.ca [mailto:worker-a-infos@lists.tao.ca]
On Behalf Of Thomas Johansson
Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 1:47 AM
Subject: (en) Mayday 2000 international contacts list

      A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E

           M A Y D A Y 2 0 0 0
     (last updated on December 9, 1999)

I. This contacts list
II. Index of countries and cities
III. Index of mailing lists
IV. The Mayday 2000 Global Day of Action
V. References

This contacts list is for activists planning to take
action on Mayday 2000 as part of the GLOBAL DAY OF
that will be called for by Peoples' Global Action
(PGA) and continue the previous June 18 and November
30 global days of action. (see sections IV and V for
more info) The list will serve to facilitate
decentralized and non-hierarchic networking among
sympathetic groups and individuals. If you plan to
take action, please check that the relevant contact
information below is correct. For additions,
corrections or comments, please contact

Anyone planning to take action can send in contact
information to facilitate networking. This can be for

(i) a particular group
(ii) a coalition of groups or individuals
(iii) an individual

The information can include for instance (i) name of
country, city, and state; (ii) name of group,
coalition, or individual; (iii) events being planned;
(iv) land address; (v) email address; (vi) telephone
number; (vii) fax number; (viii) web site.
Please note that the international contacts list is

are being planned
( # countries: 2 ; # cities: 4)


Group(s)/coalition: name not known
Planned event: Festival of anarchist ideas and action.
Land address: BM Mayday, London, WC1N 3XX
Email: mayday2000@egroups.com
WWW: http://www.freespeech.org/mayday2k


Chicago, IL
Email: tcjohans@hotmail.com

New York City, NY
Group: not known
Planned event: not known
Email: Nitsu1999@aol.com

Washington, DC
Mid-Atlantic Infoshop
Planned event: not known
Email: chuck@tao.ca
WWW: http://www.infoshop.org/

Below is a list of existing mailing lists that may be
suitable for discussions and co-ordinative work
surrounding the Mayday 2000 Global Day of Action.
Please do set up a list for your own language, country
or city, if you feel it is needed!

International mailing list - ENGLISH
<mayday2k@onelist.com>. For discussion, co-ordination,
and announcements surrounding the Mayday 2000 Global
Day of Action. Members have access to a calendar and
file area, where they are encouraged to place files
(posters, flyers, stickers, etc.) The primary language
is English. Send a blank email to
<mayday2k-subscribe@onelist.com> to join, or do so at
www.onelist.com/subscribe/mayday2k .

International mailing list - PORTUGUESE
<n30-pt@listserv.fct.unl.pt>. Originally set up for
communication around the November 30 Global Day of
Action, this list lingers on as a suitable forum for
discussing Mayday 2000. The primary language is
Portuguese. Join by sending a message with the text
"subscribe n30-pt" to <majordomo@listserv.fct.unl.pt>.

National mailing list - UNITED KINGDOM
<mayday2000@egroups.com>. A Mayday 2000 mailing list
for UK discussions. Join by sending a blank email to

National mailing list - IRELAND
IRELAND specific anti-WTO mailing list. Join by
sending a blank email to


The two Global Days of Action, Resistance and Carnival
against the Capitalist System - J18 and N30 - were
generally very successful. Our networks grew, we
learned much, and we saw many new people engage

Now many groups around the world are preparing for a
global day of action on May 1 next year, again in
recognition that the capitalist system, based on the
exploitation of people, societies and the environment
for the profit of a few, is the prime cause of our
social and ecological troubles. This day - which will
coincide with an international call for action by the
Peoples' Global Action - will continue the process of
building up a strong, bold, and creative grassroots
movement for a society in which people do not exploit
or oppress each other, communities, or the
environment, but one that is based on solidarity,
co-operation, grassroots democracy, and ecological
sustainability. (This process should be continued
through further global days of action in the future.)

People of different movements and different countries
will again join forces for a day against the social,
political, and economic institutions of the capitalist
system. Workers, the unemployed, students, trade
unionists, peasants, the landless, fishers, women
groups, ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples, peace
activists, environmental activists, ecologists, and so
on will work in solidarity with one another in the
understanding that their various struggles are not
isolated from each other. Their simultaneous
occupation and transformation of the capitalist social
order around the globe - in the streets,
neighbourhoods, fields, factories, offices, commercial
centres, financial districts, and so on - will
strengthen their mutual bonds at the local, national,
and international levels.

As before, the day will be organised in a
non-hierarchical way, as a decentralised and informal
network of grassroots groups that employ
non-authoritarian, grassroots democratic forms of
organisation, struggle independent of the social,
political, and economic institutions of the capitalist
system, and seek to effect change directly through
their own action. Each event or action will be
organised autonomously by each group, while coalitions
of various movements and groups can be formed at the
local, regional, and national levels.

It would be very, very nice if you join this day of
action!!! If you or your group plan to do so, let
others know as soon as possible, to facilitate
networking and communication. Please join a suitable
mailing list (see section III) and post your contact
information to it and/or send it to
<tcjohans@hotmail.com> who will put it on an
international contacts list. (Any inquiries or issues
should be directed to other activists in your group,
city, country or on the international mailing list,
for us to mutually help each other with ideas and
advise - this is a radically decentralised global day
of action with noone in charge and entirely of our own
creation in co-operation and solidarity with one

There are many things we need to do, to make the best
of Mayday at the global, local, and national levels.
We need to spread information about it among as many
suitable groups and movements as possible, all over
the world. We need to spread and share propaganda
materials, such as leaflets and posters. And, in
general, we need to share our experiences, thoughts
and ideas with one other and help each other to make
the best of this occasion. At the local level,
information about Mayday needs to be spread and
discussed among groups and individuals, meetings need
to be organised, events planned, leaflets printed and
distributed, funds raised, laughter and conversation


June 18 Global Day of Action (J18)
see www.infoshop.org/june18.html or www.j18.org

November 30 Global Day of Action (N30)
see http://go.to/n30 or www.seattlewto.org/n30

Peoples' Global Action (PGA )
contact <pga@agp.org> or see

  !!!!!! P L E A S E F O R W A R D W I D E L Y
- --
For MAI-not (un)subscription information, posting guidelines and
links to other MAI sites please see http://mai.flora.org/

   Bob Olsen, Toronto bobolsen@interlog.com

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    ______        _________________________________________________
   /             |                                                 |
   | jon         |  jonivar skullerud                              |
   \______       |                                                 |
          \      |  jonivar@bigfoot.com                            |
     ivar |      |  http://www.bigfoot.com/~jonivar/               |
   _______/      |_________________________________________________|

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