
From: Knut Rognes (knrognes@online.no)
Date: Sat Oct 09 1999 - 16:50:02 MET DST

KK- Forum,

angående 'æresdrap' kan jeg bl.a. vise til noen kilder

1) "Commodifying Honor in Female Sexuality. Honor Killings in Palestine"
by Suzanne Ruggi (http://www.merip.org/ruggi.htm)

2) Sigrun Slapgård: "Vår ære og hans makt." NRK TV 1998 (Reportasje fra de
palestinske selvstyreområdene)

3) "Palestina" (Bladet utgitt av Fellesutvalget for Palestina) nr. 2.
Årgang 3, 1998. I dette heftet drøftes fenomenet grundig i flere artikler
bl.a av Connie Garfalk.

4) Julian Borger: "In Cold Blood", Guardian, London 4. nov 1997:

"Ironically, Jordan's 'honor killing' laws are the result of western
influence in the Middle East. According to Asma Khader's research, they
arose out of a fusion between Egyptian tribal custom and the Napoleonic
Code in 1830, after the French legions took Cairo. The laws were copied by
Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan."

Knut Rognes

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