Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Laboratory (UAV-Lab)

The unmanned aerial vehicles laboratory is a test facility for NTNU's Research on unmanned aerial systems (UAS). We are using Agdenes airfield as primary test field located about 90 km southwest of Trondheim (Google maps). In addition we operate UAVs from Eggemoen, Brekken, Ørland, Frøya, Ny-Ålesund and other locations. A test lab is located in Elektro Bld. D (Room D140) and includes mobile test facilities and a workshop/lab.

Internal pages: UAV-Lab Wiki page (requires local IP address)

Contact persons:


Centers and Associated Labs
PhD and Postdoc Projects:


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

The UAV-Lab operates the following UAV systems:

All vehicles have autopilot and payload systems developed around our own system architecture.

Autopilots and Flight Simulators

Payload Systems